Since its founding, WES has provided tuition assistance for qualified students whose families are unable to afford full tuition and expenses. WES is proud of its legacy of supporting deserving students and families. On average, 25% of WES families receive a tuition assistance award. Citizens of the U.S. and non-U.S. citizens who reside in the U.S. and hold green cards are, if otherwise qualified, eligible for tuition assistance. Please note: WES does not provide tuition assistance for PK3 or PK4 unless the family includes a parent currently in the military and qualifies for tuition assistance.
WES funds tuition assistance to families with demonstrated need through its annual budget, including income from foundations, investment, individual restricted gifts, tuition, and philanthropy from our community. The tuition assistance program is a priority of the Board of Trustees.
If your family wishes to be considered for financial aid, please file an application by January 15 for the following school year. Click HERE to apply online.
Please note: The Clarity application website will automatically pull a copy of your 2023 tax returns. However, you will need to update your application with your 2024 W2s, once you have received them. Please also confirm with the Office of Admission and Financial Aid that your application was filed by the deadline.