To learn about required summer reading/learning and review supplemental reading lists, please click on each grade or division level, below. Reading lists are compiled according to which grade the student will enter in the fall.
WES asks students in or entering Middle School to complete a math packet over the summer that is due to their new math teacher in September. Before completing a packet, students should wait to be told which math class they will be placed into for autumn. See the section below on Middle School math.
This year, WES Dragons in Grades 2-5 are encouraged to take a Summer Reading Trip and explore the United States by reading a wide variety of books that either have a regional setting, author, or focus. Click the picture below for an interactive map with suggested titles and a tracker.
The goal is to read at least one book from each geographic area (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, & West) to build understanding of the diversity of the United States regions and complete the map.
We encourage families to share photos of reading activities and the books they have read at Children should track their reading and points on the back of the sheet as each book read is worth 10 points! Students who achieve the most points and/or complete the whole map will receive a prize in the fall. We will also be counting up how many books we read across the school – if we achieve the target of reading 1986 books (our founding year), we will gain a free dress day. Please give your tracking sheet to Mr. Pané on the first day of school in September!
Ms. Girgis has assembled math packets to help our students practice their skills over the summer. The packets should be completed by the start of the school year. There is a work packet and an answer key (so students can self-check) for each math class.