Ian Hendrie
Director of Extended Day, Classroom Support
At WES Since: 2023
Why did you choose to work at WES?
I love the kind and supportive learning community that WES provides, and I’m eager to grow and contribute within that community.
What is the best book you have ever read?
This may be cheating, but I have to go with a series rather than a single book. It’s called Malazan Book Of The Fallen and is written by Steven Erikson. I have been a lover of epic fantasy since my childhood, and Erikson uses the genre as a medium through which he makes a compelling case for compassion, empathy, and humility.
I grew up in the D.C. area and graduated from St. Andrew’s Episcopal School as a member of the class of ‘08. I went on to Mount St. Mary’s University, where, fun fact, I was a four-year starting player for the school’s Division I soccer program. Upon graduating with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Legal Studies, my initial goal was to play soccer professionally. However, after experiencing some unfortunate injuries, I instead transitioned to coaching competitive school and club youth soccer teams. I knew from this experience that I loved working with young people. That passion led me to a D.C.-based national nonprofit dedicated to hands-on civic education, where I spent four years teaching middle and high school students from across the country about U.S. history, politics, and issue advocacy. In my free time, you can find me cheering on Manchester United, playing with dogs, working out at the gym, and hanging out with my friends and family.