First Friday Coat Drive!
Serving our community is one way we live out the WES motto: “Be Kind.” We are glad to bring back our popular First Friday service program for the 2021-2022 school year, starting with October!
The week of September 27 – October 1, WES will be collecting new and very gently used winter coats for Church of the Epiphany in DC, which will distribute the coats through their Welcome Table and Street Church ministries. WES families are invited to bring coats to morning drop-off during this week. From there, students will sort, write notes, and place hand sanitizer in the pockets.
If your family would like to help distribute the coats, (outside, masked, and socially distanced) please contact Kathy Gallagher, Church of the Epiphany at
If you have any questions about First Friday, or if you have an idea for a future project, please contact Kristen Pitts at or Tiffney Brockway at