Grade 3 Spreads a Little Kindness
My sons Jace and Trey and I all received a bright yellow envelope in the mail a few weeks ago. In it, one of our third grade students invited us to join her in spreading acts of kindness.
Every year, Grade 3 studies the exchange of goods, transportation, and communication in their STEM Applied Concepts in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACIE) class. As part of the curriculum, they also develop a group entrepreneurial project designed to inspire social change. This year, our Grade 3 students were inspired by the WES “be kind” motto to build a strategy to encourage our community to spread acts of kindness.
They formed the “Kindness Core” to challenge each of our Dragons to do at least 10 acts of kindness by November 2. They wanted to prove that 2020 could still be associated with good things, so they set a cumulative goal of 2020 good deeds completed by our community.
And our Dragons have been busy! They have been helping parents with chores, calling lonely relatives, making treat bags for those at shelters, and so much more! Our on-campus Kindergarten students thought about how nice it feels when somebody they don’t know very well greets them by name. So, during recess one day each member of the Kindergarten class made a point of greeting at least one student in the other section. At-home learners were encouraged to think of who they might greet by name, such as somebody they met at the park or during a walk through the neighborhood. Our Kindergarten students also made thank you cards for our outstanding facilities team and their art teachers.
While many members of our community have been busy spreading good cheer, there is still plenty of time left to get involved. This is not just a challenge for students – it’s a challenge for parents and grandparents, too! It has been a difficult year, but we each have the power to bring a smile to someone else’s face. You can learn more about the Kindness Core at and you can record your acts of kindness at