Making Math Fun for Middle School Students
Math. It can be a source of stress and anxiety for some students, but at WES, we believe it can also be a source of tremendous fun.
In addition to offering a comprehensive math program that meets children at their skill level, we have two Middle School Math Clubs designed to help our students sharpen their skills in an engaging way.
The Middle School Math Club and Middle School Competition Math are both registered with the MathCounts national programs.
You might be thinking, “What’s the difference between the two clubs?” Here’s the breakdown.
For the MathCounts Math Club, we offer a fun and easygoing time for our Dragons to engage in solving math problems, work through logic puzzles, play games that promote reasoning, and the opportunity to create their own fun games. All students are welcome to join and will be eligible for the MathCounts National MathClub Award, depending on participation and completed activities. Another important thing to note is the club meets on Mondays from 1:45 to 2:30 p. m.
Then we have the MathCounts Competition Series Club, which provides a collaborative environment for math enrichment that prepares our students for the MathCounts Competition Series. For this club, no commitments are needed for the first 3 sessions. Following that, we do ask Dragons to commit in order to prepare for future competitions. This club will meet on Thursdays during lunch.
Please note that we will continue to host/participate in The ISMAW Math Meets, where area independent schools participate three times a year. Additionally, after-school Math Labs are offered for any students needing support with their math homework.
Please encourage your student(s) to participate and please let Ms. Girgis ( know if you have any questions.