
Our Annual Fund 2021-2022 Campaign is Underway!

Like most independent schools, WES relies on the generosity of the entire community (parents, faculty, grandparents, past parents/faculty, and friends) to make tax-deductible contributions each year to the Annual Fund, the school’s top fundraising priority. These gifts ensure that our mission is being carried out, and provide immediate, tangible support to enhance the operating budget for the current school year.

We are grateful to our Co-Chairs, Martha Orzechowsi and Meg Rosan, for their leadership, along with family reps Rick Bond, Jonathan Bulman, Michelle High, Natasha Narine, Katrina Kimpel, Mia Spiker Johnson, Mary Hodgins (Heitman), Anna Pugh, and Ezra Udoff. The committee works hard to encourage giving across all constituencies. Last year resulted in raising more than $357,000, accounting for 4% of the operating budget. WES is proud to have an unusual and wonderful tradition of over 90% parent participation.

A letter and brochure was mailed last week to all families. Please take a moment to consider a gift that is right for your family by sending in a check, texting WES22 to 41444, or online at w-e-s.org/makeagift to make a gift, pledge or recurring gift. Annual Fund reps will be contacting families on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 21 to answer any questions about our campaign. Meanwhile, the Development Office  is happy to chat with your about the Annual Fund in general, and ways you can make your gift.