
Relishing the Opportunity to Talk about our Students

Next week begins one of the most exciting parts of the year for me–it’s when Middle School Director Kristin Cuddihy and I meet with the secondary school leadership teams to present our candidates for admission to their high schools. Over the course of the next two months, we will visit roughly 15-20 independent schools and have the opportunity to present the strengths of each student and the contributions they will make to their new school communities. 

It’s one of my most joyful experiences as an educator because I love reflecting on our students’ accomplishments and growth. The Class of 2022 is exceptionally talented: it counts leaders, performers, writers, and athletes among its ranks. These Dragons are highly independent, but also extremely supportive of one another. They have led the SGA to new heights and broken records for their charitable fundraising efforts and canned food drives. 

During these conversations with Admissions Directors and Heads of chool, we will discuss our students’ personalities, academic gifts, their role in the Grade 6 musical, and the instrument they love to play. I’ll share about their prowess on the field, the leadership they have displayed, their fantastic contributions to the robotics club, and what they learned during our recent trip to Utah. 

At WES, we value relationships, which is truly reflected throughout this entire process. Kristin and I meet with every family individually during the summer prior to Grade 8 to discuss each child and their unique set of needs. Our recommendation letters highlight the relationships our students have built with their peers, teachers, and coaches. Our admissions team provides mock interviews and encouragement for the process. And it all culminates with these one-on-one opportunities to highlight our Dragons’ gifts with the school leadership teams.

Graduation every year is bittersweet. While I hate to say good-bye to our time with our passionate and accomplished students, I feel a tremendous sense of pride in sending them to their new communities. They are truly kind, confident, and prepared, and I await eagerly to hear tales from their new adventures. 


Danny Vogelman

Head of School