
The Power of Serving Together

In yesterday’s Chapel, Chaplain Kristen reminded us that it is our duty to spread God’s compassion throughout the world. Compassion, the act of helping those who are hurting, is the virtue we are focusing on this month. On Friday, October 14, from 6-7:30 p.m., we will host our ServiceFest in the Deighton Alleyne Gymnasium to help us express that virtue. We invite everyone to participate.

ServiceFest brings students, parents, and faculty and staff together to support a number of local nonprofits in our community. Collectively, we are able to do much more than we can as individuals; we gain strength by working together to assist those in need. Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult; this is a wonderful opportunity for the entire family.

We’re collecting oral care products and coats for the Church of the Epiphany right now, and alumna Eliza Horne is also hosting a friendly blue vs. gold

 competition to solicit stuffed animals for CASA. That evening, there will be several additional activities:

We will:

Tickets ($1 each) will be sold at the event:

If you’d like to contribute cakes or baked goods to those projects, you can find the contacts for those fundraisers HERE. 

The wide assortment of activities and nonprofit organizations represented in ServiceFest enables us to link our distinctive skills to a range of interests and ways to benefit the broader community!.

I am excited to come together to serve others next Friday night. Please join me!

Danny Vogelman
Head of School