Every family is a member of The Parents Association (PA). The PA fosters interest, support, and participation among the parents and guardians of students in Washington Episcopal School and provides a forum in which parents can freely express their views to enhance the operation of the school and their experience with the school. As a vital link between parents, administration, faculty, and students, the association’s Mission is to advance an understanding of the school’s program and promote the growth and development of the school’s community. Reps from each grade help plan and coordinate community events and provide parent education and faculty appreciation events. Reps are invited in the summer to serve, and leadership is elected each year.
Meeting Minutes
March 2024
January 2024
December 2023
October 2023
September 2023
Executive Committee
Martha Orzechowski, President
Laura Xanders, Vice President
Martha Velez, Treasurer
Anna Pugh, Secretary
Cindy Oh, Family Partnership Series Director
Nancy Matthews, Community Events Director
Jennifer Cannistra, Faculty/ Staff Appreciation Director
Stefan Awad, Tony D’Emidio, Greg Pugh, Fathers Club
Emma Cowan, Mothers Club
Grade Reps
PK-3 Rep
Rebecca Edmonds
Lily Kim
PK-4 Reps
Meha Anand
Rachel Mulcahy
Crystal Wade
Kindergarten Reps
Amy Eskay
Liz Merriman
Grade 1 Reps
Sarah Cryder
Wendy Slagle
Grade 2 Reps
Nicole Brener-Schmitz
Darrin Davis
Subika Farazi
Grade 3 Reps
Susan Awad
Maryam Nazari
Grade 4 Reps
Amy Roberti
Sahar Roques
Grade 5 Reps
Shelley Guiley
Julie Hoopes
Louise Wild
Grade 6 Reps
Meaghan Feder
Rob Keller
Grade 7 Reps
Siobhan Wilan
Elissa DiCarlo
Grade 8 Reps
Mekdela and Addis Bekele
Kim Davis
Jennifer Logan