News & Events
Hands-On Learning in Middle School Math
I was visiting the Middle School Commons this week, and the walls were lined with fairly sophisticated cartoon drawings. However, this work was not the product of art class, but rather geometry! Our Middle School math teachers are masters at bringing math to life through incorporating hands-on learning techniques. The cartoon drawings were part of […]
Read More >15 Questions to Ask at the Parent Interview
Looking at prospective schools can be stressful. Not only is it a huge financial commitment but you also want the school to best fit your family’s values, philosophies, and expectations. Most schools’ websites and tours will provide a good overview of the school, but the following list of questions will help you dig a little […]
Read More >Engaging In Immersion-Based Learning
I’m writing to you on Wednesday night from a rather unusual location this week – Port Isobel Island in the Chesapeake Bay! We have just returned from stargazing after a night hike through a bamboo forest. Our Grade 8 students venture to this area of the Chesapeake Bay every year to learn about its rapidly […]
Read More >December First Friday Kindness Baskets
For December’s First Friday project, we will be spreading some kindness to public servants with Kindness Baskets. Each grade will collect a designated item and decide on a recipient for a basket (like a fire department or a hospital unit), then a team of faculty and students will put together the baskets to be delivered. […]
Read More >Our Annual Fund 2021-2022 Campaign is Underway!
Like most independent schools, WES relies on the generosity of the entire community (parents, faculty, grandparents, past parents/faculty, and friends) to make tax-deductible contributions each year to the Annual Fund, the school’s top fundraising priority. These gifts ensure that our mission is being carried out, and provide immediate, tangible support to enhance the operating budget […]
Read More >The Impact of Social Emotional Learning
I walked into a Grade 5 class recently, and students were learning about the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, and the hippocampus. No, it wasn’t Science, as you may have assumed. It was a Wellness class led by our new Elementary and Middle School Counselor Meghan Keller, and the students were learning about how these parts […]
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